Having the honor of photographing women over the past two years has given me insight into the things that hold some people back from booking their dream boudoir session. Let me do my best to normalize some of the things that hold us back!
Everyone has butt pimples and yes, I will eliminate them.
If you wear yoga pants, if you workout…if you are just a human being, chances are you might have some butt pimples or blemishes. This is totally normal and something I see in 99% of my clients. Do not stress about this one tiny bit, I will eliminate butt pimples!
Body hair is normal. Groom to your liking.
Ahh the dreaded shave prior to your boudoir session. I can absolutely promise you that being a hairless wonder is NOT a requirement for your session. If you like to rock body hair, let’s celebrate it. If you like to be smooth and hair free, let’s celebrate that too. Please know that your body hair is natural and normal. Groom to your liking.
Every single person has body insecurities.
Truth. We all have our insecurities and are at different points in our self-love journey. I promise to meet you where you’re at. Self-love and body acceptance…that shit is hard. And it’s a lifelong process. I walk through this experience with you in solidarity – I often feel the same way about my body. But what I love most about being a boudoir photographer, is what get to challenge some of the bullshit and embrace who we are at this moment in our lives.
Stop apologizing.
Ready for the things women have apologized for in my studio…?
butt pimples
having to go to the bathroom
being cold
being indecisive
not knowing how to put on a garter belt
…I could go on and on and on forever. STOP APOLOGIZING. Take our boudoir experience as an opportunity to practice being assertive, making decisions, being YOU without apology. And then let that energy carry you into your day to day. I can promise you, when you walk through the doors to my studio, there is absolutely nothing that you need to apologize for. Your presence, trust and willingness to step outside of your comfort zone is an absolute honor. You are an absolute work of art and I am lucky to photograph you.
