Want to know a confession about this session? I questioned whether or not I was good enough to execute her vision. I was starting to feel pretty confident with my normal boudoir workflow and posing flow but when she shared that she was a ballerina and wanted to incorporate a tutu and her point shoes I got very very excited and then the self-doubt crept its way in. I had moments where I thought to myself maybe I should refer her to someone else who does a better job with these kinds of portraits but the idea of losing someone that I loved working with kept me pushing forward. And in the end I think she saw something that I struggle to see in myself sometimes. She believed and in my heart and truly it was a day that I am still buzzing from. These images are some of my favorite and I love the reminder that I doubted myself but overcame it. These images will forever serve as a reminder to always push outside of my comfort zone to take on things that scare me and believe in myself my art and my experience
There are parts of my process that I feel super confident with. I know that I am going to make you feel comfortable. I know that I’m going to make you see yourself in a new light. And I know you’re going to be so happy with the experience. But it’s just not realistic to be 100% confident, 100% of the time. But ya know what, do it anyways. Even if it scares the hell out of you.
You just might create something beautiful.
